
Nutritional evaluation of white corn grain for tortilla manufacturing

Jesús García-Pereyra, Sebastián E. González-Villarreal, Mónica García-Montelongo
Abstract 112 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0 | DOI

Morphology, density and population fluctuation of new records of orthopterans associated with four agroecosystems

Francisco J. Avendaño-Gutiérrez, Leticia Vázquez-Ortiz, Salvador Aguirre-Paleo, Ernesto Serna-Mata, Ricardo Torres-Magaña, Alejandro Morales-Guerrero
Abstract 83 | EARLY ACCESS 2 Downloads 0 | DOI

Analysis of the agrifood situation in an elementary school community

Marisel Lemos-Figueroa, Alfonso Pérez Sánchez, Venancio Cuevas-Reyes
Abstract 68 | EARLY ACCESS 3 Downloads 0 | DOI

Pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus [Haworth] Britton & Rose) marketing margins for its sustainable development in Belize

Blanca I. Sánchez Toledano, Venancio Cuevas Reyes, Nelda Uzcanga-Pérez, Jeremias Nataren-Velázquez
Abstract 72 | EARLY ACCESS 4 Downloads 0 | DOI

Spatio-temporal analysis of scientific research on models to estimate water balance in hydrographic basinsV

Alfredo Salinas-Castro, Alfredo Esteban Tadeo-Noble, Javier Enrique Vera-López, Alberto Santillán-Fernández
Abstract 117 | EARLY ACCESS 5 Downloads 0 | DOI

Impact of Treated Wastewater Use on Heavy Metal Accumulation in Soils and Sudan Grass Crops in the Mexicali Valley

Jesús A. Jiménez-Angulo, Jaime A. Reyes-López , Luz E. Salazar-Escalante, Mary T. Beleño-Cabarcas, Ricardo Torres-Ramos
Abstract 75 | EARLY ACCESS 6 Downloads 0 | DOI

Rodents in Xerophilous Shrubland and Semi-Desert Grassland Communities of Southeastern Coahuila, Mexico

Cruz-Bazan, Encina-Domínguez, Ramírez-Albores, Chavez-Lugo
Abstract 79 | EARLY ACCESS 7 Downloads 0 | DOI

Dynamic stochastic model of allometric equations and cumulative distribution for biomass-carbon in Pinus hartwegii Lindl., facing climate change

Moisés Arreguín-Sámano, Eduardo P. Salazar-Castañeda, María T. Vallejo-Ilijama, José Abelardo Paucar-Camacho, Miguel Ángel Guallpa-Calva, Ángel Leyva-Ovalle
Abstract 87 | EARLY ACCESS 8 Downloads 0 | DOI

Traditional knowledge in an agroforestry system and perspectives about agroecological practices in Nahua communities

Isela Violeta Valdés Alcántara, Marja Liza Fajardo Franco, Martin Aguilar Tlatelpa
Abstract 71 | EARLY ACCESS 9 Downloads 0 | DOI

Estrus syncrhonization in ewes with prostaglandins at dif-ferent days post CIDR insertion

Rubén Martínez-Cruz, María Teresa Sánchez-Torres Esqueda, Rafael Nieto Aquino, José Luis Cordero Mora, José Luis Figueroa Velasco, José Alfredo Martínez Aispuro, Patricia Sánchez Canales
Abstract 175 | EARLY ACCESS 10 Downloads 0 | DOI

Registry of mermithid (Mermithidae) parasites of spittlebug nymphs (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) in sugarcane crops in Veracruz, Mexico

Pedro Fabián Grifaldo Alcántara, Francisco Hernández Rosas, Rafael Pérez Pacheco, Ricardo Martínez Martínez, Abraham Monteon Ojeda , Eva Judith Hueso Guerrero, Aarón Mendieta Moctezuma
Abstract 69 | EARLY ACCESS 12 Downloads 0 | DOI

Comparison of the Export Competitiveness of Limes from Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil to the European Union

Natividad Hernández-Mendoza, Alma A. Gómez-Gómez, Juan A. Leos-Rodríguez, Carlos Ernesto Luquez Gaitan
Abstract 88 | EARLY ACCESS 13 Downloads 0 | DOI

Induction of shoot development of Stevia rebaudiana Morita II by vitamins and cysteine

Domínguez-May Ángel V., Ayil-Gutiérrez Benjamín A, Caamal-Velázquez José H., Giorgana-Figueroa José L., Reyes-Sosa Carlos F., JUAN CARLOS ALAMILLA MAGAÑA, Nahuat-Dzib Sara L.
Abstract 104 | EARLY ACESS 14 Downloads 0 | DOI

Evaluation of Commercial Biostimulants at Three Planting Densities in Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Crop, Guerrero Variety

Candido Mendoza Pérez, Juan Enrique Rubiños Panta, Adolfo Antenor Exebio Garcia, Ma. Eugenia Delgadillo Piñon, Belen Cazares González
Abstract 75 | EARLY ACCESS 15 Downloads 0 | DOI

Neltuma laevigata and its influence on soil fertility in the Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, Mexico

Hortencia Guarneros-Manoatl, Esteban Valtierra Pacheco, Jesús E. Corona-Sánchez
Abstract 75 | EARLY ACCESS 21 Downloads 0 | DOI

Hydrolysis of chicken feathers for their use as a protein additive in cattle feed

Ángel Ivan Mieles-Solórzano, Damián Reyes-Jáquez, Elia Esther Araiza-Rosales, Esperanza Herrera-Torres, Manuel Murillo-Ortiz, Gerardo Pámanes-Carrasco
Abstract 63 | EARLY ACCESS 16 Downloads 0 | DOI

Production Analysis of Corn (Zea mays L.) in Agricultural District VII Valle de Bravo, State of MexicoV

Gabriela Berenice Vilchis Granados, Edgar Javier Morales Morales, José Guadalupe Herrera Haro, William Gómez Demetrio, Francisco Ernesto Martínez Castañeda , ANGEL ROBERTO MARTÍNEZ CAMPOS
Abstract 101 | EARLY ACCESS 18 Downloads 0 | DOI

Genetic Improvement of Miahuateco Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) (Solanaceae) through Gamma Radiation of 60Co

Bravo-Delgado HR, Baéz-Rodriguez , Baéz-Rodriguez , López-Sánchez, Morales-Ruiz
Abstract 97 | EARLY ACCESS 19 Downloads 0 | DOI

Changes in physicochemical and antioxidant properties over one year of Apis mellifera honey

Armando Arrieta González, Wendy Madahi De La Cruz Martínez, Diana Guerra Ramirez, Karla Lissette Silva Martínez, Belisario Domínguez Mancera, Ricardo Domínguez Puerto, Oscar Del Ángel Piña
Abstract 85 | EARLY ACCESS 20 Downloads 0 | DOI

Non-toxic Jatropha curcas L. residual paste as a protein supplement in poultry diets

Leonardo Díaz Sánchez, Odilón Sánchez Sánchez, Jorge Martínez Herrera, Ofelia Andrea Valdés Rodríguez, Fernando Vázquez, Georgina Sandoval
Abstract 124 | EARLY ACCESS 22 Downloads 0 | DOI

Effect of meta-Topolin on the in vitro Propagation of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch)

Jorge D. Cadena-Zamudio, Carlos A. Cruz-Cruz, Marco A. Ramírez-Mosqueda, Esmeralda J. Cruz-Gutiérrez, Elizabeta Hernández-Domínguez
Abstract 119 | EARLY ACCESS 23 Downloads 0 | DOI


New electrostatic theory for the ascent of sap in tall trees

E. Aceves-Navarro, L.A. Aceves-Navarro, BENIGNO RIVERA
Abstract 321 | EARLY ACCESS 17 Downloads 0 | DOI